Integrated Logistics Service

  • Customs house brokerage service

  •  Storage and warehousing service ( dry and cold)


What are the characteristics of Logistics services?

Logistics service is a commercial activity whereby the organizing unit performs one, two or more jobs such as transportation, receipt of goods, storage, customs clearance and other related paperwork. to goods based on originally binding agreements with customers for remuneration.

Logistics operates on a chain, so if it is optimized, the business of the enterprise is also optimized. Products are shipped to customers quickly, the value of goods and the value of the brand will also increase.

What is the mode of chartering a train?

Cruise ship is a type of ship that does not follow a fixed route, schedule, port, route changes according to the signed contract  Train charter is a relationship with each other, unifying the charter contract between the ship owner and the owner. cargo to wait for all or part of the cargo from one port to another. The two parties put forward the regulations, terms and responsibilities on the contract and sign the contract.

Why should you choose a charter charter service?

With acumen, flexibility in exploitation, good negotiation, KBP believes in achieving the most suitable conditions for the parties involved in the negotiation, drafting, signing and finally the performance of the transport contract. . We believe it is possible to do well at any trip deal in the most exciting or challenging markets.

What is domestic shipping?

Domestic shipping English is Dometics shipping – Is a service to transport goods to provinces and cities in the country by road, waterway, railway and air.

How many domestic shipping methods are there?

Along with the economic development of the country, the forms of domestic freight are increasingly diversified. Thus, if your business needs to transport goods, you can easily choose the most optimal ways.

The most popular and most used modes of freight transport in Vietnam today are road, waterway, rail and air.

How does domestic shipping work?

Domestic transportation is always done by the service provider according to the following process:

Customers contact the shipping service provider. Then send detailed information about the goods, sender and recipient.

Conduct a quote on domestic shipping services with customers.

Carry out transportation by suitable means.

Customers receive goods and have evaluations of service quality.

Want us to advise more about the service?

Contact us via phone support.